The One Minutes was originally initiated by students of Sandberg Instituut in 1998. And has been an independent non profit since 2017.
The One Minutes Collection consists of over 18,000 video works from artists in over 120 countries. The collection is preserved and made accessible by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and is available online for professionals and the general public.
The mission of The One Minutes Foundation is to produce and distribute one-minute videos with the aim of providing an international stage for creation, participation, and connection; an accessible, low-threshold platform for both creators and the audience.
The vision is that The One Minutes, through short accessible films, strives to contribute to the creation of spaces for free expression, collective imagination, and global solidarity in our diverse yet deeply interconnected realities.
As a pioneer in international contemporary art – with series included in the collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York (USA) – The One Minutes actively engages in education and welfare, promoting social change through The One Minutes Jr.
Artists form alliances with students, amateurs, and children.