Thanks to the support of private individuals, companies and (public) funds, The One Minutes can produce and distribute over 500 new works a year, providing an international stage for people to create, engage and connect. Due to this support, our global network contributes to creating spaces for free expression, collective imagination, and global solidarity in our different, yet deeply interconnected realities, inspiring over 1,6 million people all over the world annually.
Organisations can support The One Minutes Foundation through assignments, subscriptions and workshops. The One Minutes Collection provides a source of opportunity. One Minutes are used as art installations, as content in exhibitions and in talk shows and (television) programmes.
The One Minutes Foundation is a Public Benefit Organization (PBO or ANBI), it does not have to pay tax on your gift. Whichever way you donate, you donate 100%. Donations to an ANBI are often also deductible for the donor, making it possible to donate 100% and pay only 40%. Click here for more information about the tax benefit.
For artists and filmmakers we offer the opportunity to support The One Minutes Foundation with our Trust Fund. Donations are used for future One Minutes.
In 2024 and 2025, het Cultuurfonds, Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Pictoright Fund and the City of Amsterdam support our globally oriented program Voices to be heard, focused on solidarity, collectivity and equal allocation.
Bestuursverslag The One Minutes Foundation 2020
Bestuursverslag The One Minutes Foundation 2021
Bestuursverslag The One Minutes Foundation 2022
Bestuursverslag The One Minutes Foundation 2023
»The One Minutes plays an important role in the emancipation and visibility of video art.« Pictoright Fonds
»The committee appreciates the international reputation as a platform for short video presentations. Additionally, the committee is convinced of the way The One Minutes strives for inclusivity in its programming, placing the interests of the creators at the forefront.« Mondriaan Fund